Friday, July 19, 2024

FBI Connected DIRECTLY to Donald Trump Assassination Attempt in NEW Repo...

.EVIDENCE exhibit A 003 

With Transcript



 26:30 / 31:22 FBI Connected DIRECTLY to Donald Trump Assassination Attempt in NEW Report!!


all right so in this video I have followed the money and I have also uncovered something so shocking as it
relates to someone on the ground on video Behind Trump who people have identified as as behaving very very
suspiciously to the point where anybody who looks at it is going to go oh yeah they're in on it for sure well that
person got identified and who that is is going to blow the eard drums out of your head when you see who this is being
reported that it is okay so today we're talking about the Soros family the Soros
family telling you 7 months ago that they're going to knock Trump off and everybody going huh okay you know
putting it out there like they always do if hypothetically the person they worship is not this way is maybe this
way they always have to announce what they're going to do they always put it out there dude here it is oh it's just a picture oh no you know plausible
deniability that's not what we were saying does that imply that we're going to shoot him yeah for sure but that's
not what we meant coincidence you know and then oh you guys are behind the biggest trade ever in the direction of
oh if this would have gone well we would have made a billion dollar Oh weird it's just all these coincidences adding up so
we're going to talk about that uh and then like I said who's behind him and then a little bit on the Cyber attack uh
that happened yesterday right before the RNC when Trump was going to give his big speech and then we're going to close out
with what I think is coming next and what they need to do uh security wise because if you think that what has
happened in the last week means there is a lower threat to Trump you are crazy they are going to kick things up they
have to that's going to happen we're going to talk about that so that's what we got in this video and last thing before we start I apologize for the
Audio I don't know what is going on there's an an OBS update I can't fix it I'm not an audio person and I can't make
the echo go away I need my audio guy to come over tomorrow so there is going to be an echo in this video I can't fix it I apologize I will make up for that fact
with shocking developments that were worth your time and an entertaining face to go along with it now also I want to
say thank you to all of you guys when I put the first video out that went viral last week that got 1.8 million views I
had never had a video get over a million views I had one to go 1.8 million and the next one the next they get three million okay that like blew my brain out
of my skull and uh I gained 115,000 subscribers I gained 39,000
subscribers in all of 2023 3x the entire growth of 2023 in 3 to 5 days I think
they call that like a breakout moment and I cannot be more grateful and uh welcome to the team uh but if you're not
one of those people you know hop on dude it's a it's a fast growing ship you know what I mean it's fun in here it's warm
it's cold outside but it's warm in here just like Zuck just like Zuck who said that Donald Trump is the biggest badass
in the world pretty sure he was on the other team a couple years ago so you could thank Dana White for that and you can also thank Dana White for the best
speech in the history of politics when he introduced Donald Trump last night at the RNC we got another video coming
about that but anyway uh love you guys enjoy the video so people's opinion of George Soros tends to be Associated
directly with the amount of research that they've done into his past both as a person and as an investor and a global
figure okay if you have looked specifically into the kinds of things that made him wealthy from the beginning
and if you've gone even further back to look at his childhood and how this guy became a global string pulling
billionaire if it does not concern you then that would be very bizarre this is not a left or right thing unless you are
absolutely insane and you're on the left and you're like it doesn't matter you know I I actually want to topple the American government that would be the
only way that you could look into what this guy has done historic I mean the guys 90 something years old his Saga started 80 years ago more than that
actually okay so he is a very scary figure and I'll tell you exactly why okay so this guy I don't even want to
talk about his childhood if you know you know it's not really necessarily relevant to what we're going to talk about today the way that he became
wealthy is he was a currency Trader who would go into these Eastern block
countries he would essentially overthrow the government with student you know student action like basically just
picture exactly what's going on right now with the uh you know the protest in the street for fill in the blank does
not matter you know black lives matter or some of the really you know far really crazy stuff with the Palestine
stuff where people are breaking things those groups and just implement the exact same strategy in uh Hungary and
then leading to ultimately they overthrow the government and him being a currency Trader and knowing that was
coming he becomes extraordinarily wealthy okay so that's essentially his history and if you look into what he's
been investing in in the United States it's it's like oh looks like he's running the same Playbook uh and he's
been wildly successful previously nobody hates Trump more than he does but the one Saving Grace for us is that he is
very very old and it seems that when he's speaking recently he's having hard time connecting thoughts you know like
he's really like a computer that is uh someone spilled coffee on the on the main frame you know what I mean but uh
so I'm sure any other smart people were like so what's going to happen when he does you know bite the dust he's 9 three
right and so here was the first answer all right and uh this is a very important point because uh George Soros
is handing his uh his entire Empire to his son Andrew Soros he's 37 and you got
to ask yourself like uh all right well what kind of person is this guy now all the reports that I read were that this
guy is dumb like he's like a dumb person I have no idea I've never met him nothing I've watched a couple of his
speeches he seems to have a hard time connecting like he has a lot of buzzword and he talks for a while but I'm like
what are you trying to actually say guy right like what what is the point that
you're making and if you're making a specific point how do you plan on implementing something that's going to make that happen versus just observing
it and pretending like you have Solutions okay that that was my impression watching him speak but uh
what's really interesting about uh the very first really big thing that I saw
him do was this so I saw him make a post on X right and uh this is going to go
through that for you guys Andrew Soros son of far-left businessman George S shared on his ex profile a post uh from
the far-left group the Atlantic showing a bullet hole and six bills totaling
$47 the amount is both interesting and shocking since it coincides with the number of the next president of the
United States the polls predict that person will be Donald Trump so here's that here's that post okay here's that
post last year the crime and infl inflation crisis largely evaporated so did the
leading theories about what had caused them Bullet Hole $47 now I don't want to get into uh the
more extreme level of assumptions and uh I guess some people would call them conspiracy theories about groups that
this guy is 100% a part of and you know uh which deities they potentially would be worshiping if they did do that but
one thing that they seem to do very consistently is if they're gonna do something real bad you know something
real bad on a global scale they seem to like to put images out that foretell
that like Hey so uh hey uh Balenciaga what are you thinking about doing with
your with your next spread they're all we're going to have a child holding a a hanging baby doll and we're going to put
blood on it and then in the background we're going to have all kinds of books that say sacrifice children to you know
the big guy down there and you're like and then people notice they're like oh my God these guys are crazy Oh you mean
that we noticed that you guys were advocating for children to get didd by uh crazy people who worship a devil like
oh we shouldn't have noticed that you know what I mean so very consistent thing that they do and then when people
noticed this uh the cover that was ran for this I I I challenge you guys to go
look like just try to find this story this 100% happened and it was very very widely known but all you're going to find in the mainstream media is one
story on from USA Today that supposedly debunks the fact
that he made a veil threat at uh at you know Trump on in in Twitter post so I
mean you guys interpret this exactly interpret this exactly however you want dude Bullet Hole $47 $47 why
$47 okay so anyway obviously would have been a uh foretelling of of uh you know
shooting Trump right now now we're going to fast forward so this was in uh
2024 I can't it's it's I don't know how not very long ago all right this year
actually let's see what exactly when it was uh this was uh January 22nd 2024 is
the article so you know right around there now we're going to move over now to the story that everybody has been
talking about around investment dollars okay like I alluded to early in my video
If you really want to start looking for who is doing what who is behind what and
who is going to uh most likely have been in involved if you start looking under the covers you look for the money you
follow the money follow the money dude because you want to know what all of these guys' critical critical weakness
is which has been exploited by a lot of people actually uh unless you you know I mean we don't need to go out that rabbit
hole but uh if you understand that the even the most elite wealthy wealthiest people in the world have the same
weaknesses that regular folks do you can exploit them Jeffrey Epstein made a career out of that right but the the
weakness I'm talking about now is greed okay greed so hypothetically if they knew that some Global event was about to
happen that was going to change the landscape of the world there is always an impact on financial markets when that
happens and so if you can go all right well 9911 happened was there any any odd
trading and you go look and it's like oh yeah this guy this guy this guy all shorted the airlines the day before have
they ever done that before go through their trading history oh never they've never done that they've they've never
shorted the airlines before that's weird so I wonder I wonder what prompted them to do that yesterday so if
hypothetically you were to seen an enormous trade that would have blown up
so big so much money they would have made so much money had Trump not gone like this and had the bullet Miss right
you got to go well have they ever made a trade like that before no they haven't no no no no they're like has anyone ever
bet that big on the Trump the you know stock in either direction they're like no this is absolutely extraordinary and
they were shorting it as if it was going to go down right you're like wow that would have been great for them had Trump
not dodged that bullet and so which brings us to this story which I'm sure you guys have heard and just wait until
you see the new development about this story okay you might think you know this story you don't not yet okay so uh and
this right out of the gate should probably look a little bit shocking to you because I had not heard Black Rock
linked yet either okay so Black Rock linked firm under scanner for shorting
of trump stuck before an assassination attempt so the name of this company is Austin private wealth okay I mean listen
dude that's a pretty uh pretty like not a big yeah there's nothing grandiose about the name of that company which is
exactly how they like it if it is a lot of very powerful people who have their money in these things so Austin private
wealth facing scrutiny after uh over filing before Trump assassination attempt company denies shorting 12
million shares of tmtg and they cited a clerical error
okay so again let's just read this really quick and then we'll get into uh you know connections and why the Soros
thing would potentially be uh relevant right uh a Texas based Investment Company Austin private wealth has come
under scrutiny for for a filing made just before the failed assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald Trump company has vehemently
denied accusations of attempting to short 12 million shares of trump media and Technology Group uh attributing the
incident to a clerical error okay so if you don't know what Short Selling is it
is h i mean we don't even need to get into the mechanics bottom line if the stock goes down they make money and you
can make a fortune short selling a fortune and you can also get cracked
enormous you can get merked Short Selling if you're wrong okay enormous
upside tremendous downside okay if I start talking about the mechanics of it I'm going to waste 10 minutes of of the
video you guys don't care about that bottom line exposure enormous if you're wrong upside gigantic if you're right so
uh let's look at the details so he was speaking uh Trump was speaking at a rally in Butler Pennsylvania when an
assassin fired several shots at him grazing his ear killing one audience member and injuring two others the day
before the incident APW filed for a put option on 12 million shares of
tmtg with the US Securities and Exchange Commission which appeared to be a bet on the company's value plummeting if Trump
were killed okay that's 100% exactly what would have happened they would have made so much money it would have been
unbelievable okay 12 million shares okay uh so screenshots of uh some speculated
that APW had major Holdings in Vanguard or Black Rock funds linking them to George Soros and the Rothchilds family
further deing suspicions okay so that's that just means suspicious right like that's not this right here is you know
oh people speculated that great not evidence does not matter um so we're just going to move
over to this next part though investment firm that allegedly put options on 12 million Trump stocks the day before
assassination attempt blames filing error Rothchilds Black Rock Vanguard
meta George Bush and Cheney family among the top investors H weird so is that uh
I don't know I mean what what do you guys do with that so the most the group
of the people who are absolutely most likely to be in the know of something that was forthcoming are the top investors in this fund that happen to
have bought the biggest put option bet probably ever on Trump's stock the day
before this happened and I haven't even started to get into the uh the day of
stuff that is just coming out right now there's I mean this has been unfolding every single day I mean I I mean
obviously you guys know I was just in Mexico and like I was just like kind of willy-nilly throwing out content as things happened so this video there A
lot has happened and I'm trying not to rehash any stuff that has been covered by other channels which might be a mistake on my part to be perfectly
honest with you because I don't know if everybody watches the stuff that I do but this next part okay the next part is
I mean to me was like oh my God and this is about the day of the shooting because
if you're if you have not been watching that yet about the the actual details of this and the likelihood that there was
another shooter and that this guy was a py that got put on that roof got fooled into going into the roof to be a
distraction that they were then going to shoot in the face it might or might not even be the guy okay so we're going to
get into that right now so we can uh move over to that side of the story but real quick before we do just one last
parting gift to you guys so check this out uh to make things even more interesting uh Source tipped uh this
gentleman uh champagne josi off to the fact that and Bloomberg at first during
the day there is Austin private wealth LLC and that huge enormous trade and
then fast forward to after uh you know oopsie got his ear not his brain they're
gone it's amazing look at they're gone they're gone just like that hey who
has the power to do a thing like that they're all wait a minute cuz when I do a put option or a call option on
something and then the thing I thought was going to happen doesn't happen can I
just go hey man can you take that tradeback dude they're like of course we can sure thing Jesse on fire don't worry
about it you know it's like yeah yeah yeah it was definitely a it was a mistake and they're like well but the
trade that you made had this thing that just happened gone the opposite way would have been enor enormously
beneficial and now after it went this went the other way you just want your
money back right yeah that's not how investing works I've had to have this conversation with someone who was involved in one of my projects actually
where it was like they're like I think I want my money back you're all right yeah you mean so would I dude we we all made
the same investment like we that's just that's not how this works okay no one could have foreseen that was going to happen like I lost money you lost money
what are you talking about money back you think I have your money that's how this works dude okay I lost money you
lost money there's no one to call that's not how this works oh wait except in this case if you happen to be one of
those guys Apparently that is exactly how it works so yeah so this seems like a good place to to transition over the
other part of the story where I don't know if anybody else has seen this uh looks like around 377,000 people have
seen it so far but we actually have a video of someone on the water tower which was one of the multiple other
areas that ected to have had a shooter on it you know a much more likely shooter if there is a deep State deep
state conspiracy you know rather than they were just going to rely on some 20-year-old dunky uh who has no military
experience Etc like not absolutely no reason to be afraid of him unless he is
carrying a gigantic ladder and an AR in the other hand then getting up on a roof you know oh now he's a threat but for
some reason we can't see that threat okay on the Water Tower with direct line to uh Donald Trump it was like we heard
shots coming from there and now we also have a report that there were shots coming from 300 yard behind the 150
yards uh roof that makes absolutely no sense for anyone to have ever been on not to mention not to mention the story
of why there wasn't an agent on there you know that the uh the py they put at the head of the of the Secret Service
hey let's hire this like let's just say it's a Dei thing we'll get this stupid woman to be the head of this of the
Secret Service and that way we could put this guy down we can blame her she'll have some stupid stories she won't know
what's going on she's an idiot she's an idiot but uh so you know since there was a perimeter and there was like a Pac-Man
you know area I mean if you guys haven't seen that I'll show you that also if I remember okay but behind that right like
about 300 yards behind that so about 400 400 or so uh yards from the stage there
was a gymn uh a gymnasium uh gymnastics place building that no one was on where
a real deal shooter is likely to have taken a shot according to sources that they're like we think there was a
shooter there literally would have shot right over the top of the the py that
they then shot and uh blamed the entire thing on so those are the two areas where people suspect there were other
Shooters and uh take a look at this dude video of someone on top of the water
tower imagine that let's watch this real
quick okay water towers that that Arts a couple of months old and if you want to
really see something that said take a look at what
[Applause] happened
shots so that's what we so yeah that okay that
so that is backdrop to what we are about to look at here all right not there here
so this is uh Tony suruga I've been getting caught up on his uh on his account he's a data analyst and Former
Intelligence whatever so confirming the three individuals the shooter quote unquote paty was communicating with via
text using one of his two devices were not only in the crowd but appeared to be in the bleachers behind Donald Trump
AT&T corrupted deleted and then restored the corrupt data of these contacts
approximately 30 minutes before the FBI accessed the data like January 6 pipe bomber was AT&T directed by depart uh
the DIA Dia Department uh I actually don't even know what Dia is I'm embarrassed uh FYI and any reference to
Offshore encrypted accounts are likely a diversion and an attempt to manufacture motive and evidence cool now uh this is
a woman whose account uh I found today and she had a fantastic video that I
watched and I actually intentionally wanted to use hers for for this because I would encourage you guys to watch this
video okay uh you'll find it dude the story just got way worse she's awesome I subscribed instantly um and this is a
little bit of like like 30 seconds or something of second shooter then we're going to look at a video of who was
behind Donald Trump at this time and then now we've got that person ided and
this is going to melt your brain I might even just show you the post and then just stop talking look into the camera
and end the video watch this dude assassinations of other political figures such as John F Kennedy and
Robert F Kennedy and speaking of questionable things there is another clip that has many people asking
questions a woman at the rally was standing behind Trump and appears to have been bracing for something before
any shots were fired and she seemed quite unfazed watch this dude
watch she sits down couple months watch this if you put the sign up something
that said take a look at what happened shots go off she's she's completely
normal and then watch and then she's got her what the [ __ ] what the people are
freaking out and she's filming and she's just like right there and there's this clip real quick I'm gonna go over that
one more time with you guys because I there's even stuff that that people are not saying in the video like what is she
looking at right watch her okay she goes like this where did the shots come from
again that direction right so she goes like this she realizes she might be in
the shot so she goes like this and then puts the sign up right because she's like uh oh well you know I need to be
slick about this I don't want to be looking directly at the shooter before he shoots and then when he shoots watch
what everyone else does and look at her I'm not talking about her popping up with her phone to make sure they get you
like the best possible footage of a dead you know like in her like dead Trump so she could put it out on social media and be like here's your guy dead dead dead
dead dead uh man I hate these people man but uh watch everyone else so she looks
there be before they shoot okay when they shoot everyone else looks that way
and except for her okay so watch this right here let's watch it again watch this dude
watch she sits down watch this if you want sign something to take a look at
what happened shots fall off she's complet she's completely normal and then watch and then she's got her what the
[ __ ] what the people are freaking out and she's filming and she's just like wait until you see who she is dude wait
until you see who she is let's watch this other this other clip because I actually don't remember what would came after this cuz when I saw you'll see
right there and there's this clip of a secret service agent talking on his headset while they are escorting Trump
into a vehicle the guy then points his gun at Trump for a moment and then he puts it down yeah that's pretty nuts I
hadn't seen that I don't know what that means I'm not even going to comment on that last part because I don't know but I'm going to comment on this say so you
ready to see who that uh reportedly was behind Trump buckle up dude breaking
news uh the woman in this video Behind Donald Trump where many viewers accused her of giving the shooter instructions
has allegedly been identified as FBI assistant director Janine dppi this is still a developing
story okay let me pull that up just a little bit more for you assistant director of the FBI is who
they're reporting that is so uh yeah what do you want to do
with that dude do with it what you will I'm just here talking okay just here
talking and now uh we are going to move over to uh one other story that I just
wanted to talk about briefly and then I'm going to wrap this video up because I think I've been talking plenty long
check this out all right so yesterday uh in case you guys were unaware like the
entire American Airline system got shut down in the afternoon in the afternoon
not in the morning in the afternoon why is that relevant uh well it's relevant because if you don't
recall last night Donald uh Donald Trump was going to give his big uh you know
his big speech at the RNC I have no idea when or where he was flying into or what was going on but what I do know is that
the world economic forum and all these Global Elites have been talking about Cyber attack Cyber attack Cyber attack Cyber attack Cyber attack Cyber attack
Cyber attack and I think it's important that we start thinking very clearly
about what comes next because if people think that just because now Trump has absolutely blind support from the
country that that means these guys are going to tap out then you do not understand these people at all that is
not going to happen that is not going to happen and if they can't beat Trump at
the you know if they can't win at the game they're playing right now which is to try to keep him from becoming president then ultimately try to whack
him out they're going to take another shot at him for sure I mean that's that I if listen dude bottom line about the
Cyber attack I find or or the or all the flights being grounded I find the timing of that extraordinarily concerning but
again that seemed to have been targeted through the airline thing my guess I'm like that's got to have something to do with Trump most likely and even if it
doesn't it's a massive Cyber attack and it's right before the r and C the biggest night for for Trump's big
emergence where he's going to give his speech Dana White gave the best speech ever I'm gonna do a video about that later but here's the thing dude
right what what I wanted to say about about what comes next and Trump in
general is this dude like I heard that call between him and RFK and I actually
listened to like I I read the story that that there was a call between RFK and Donald Trump Donald Trump is trying to bring RFK onto his cabinet which God I
hope happens I I I'm going to be straight I love both of those guys I'm not sure how well they'll get along just
because like I I mean I love both these guys their personalities are so different so different and it's and I
would imagine extraordinarily different in how they approach problem solving at a government level their personalities
might Clash I hope that that Trump just goes here RFK you have absolute cart
blanch to do this this and this and RFK just understands it's like this is this is my world because I don't like
Trump's not going to get involved in that dude just let him just sick the sick that dog on him and let him go eat
you know what I mean I what I hope happens but when I listened to Trump talking about the assassination attemp
to RFK he sounded too relaxed about it to me at least I mean I don't know maybe
I was reading it wrong but like and maybe I'm projecting how afraid I am for him because I feel like I really do
understand what's going on here pretty well and if I'm even in the in the
stratosphere of correct about what kind of powers are behind this this is not even this is this is not only not o over
this has escalated right I mean this has escalated dramatically because their concern is like oh he's going to win the
presidency we can't have him be president okay well now he really can't lose and not only can he not lose but he has such overwhelming
support that they're going I mean he's got to go if they're them he has to
go there there is no replacement for him at least not it doesn't appear to like I don't know who would you replace so they
are going to they are going to kick it up big I would I would anticipate they are going to try really hard to knock
him off and this time they'll go oh you know uh you know natural natural causes you know any doctor claiming to want to
come in and take his blood pressure or any kind of [ __ ] like that anything like that he should be very very very
suspicious and he needs people around him that he trusts suspicious people dude honestly I will put I have no
military experience no tactical experience none of that stuff but no one
no one is more suspicious than I am and no one is more like what are all of the
ways that this person could try to I I'm like a a constantly running
algorithm for that there's like literally like one to I mean you could
count on one hand the number of people who I never run that algorithm on anymore my wife being one of them you
know and other people in my family outside of that I am running it all the time and like oh so today we have this
person coming in I'm like proximity to Trum okay here's a thousand different ways that they could like dude they're
they're not touching Trump's they're not touching him with anything they're not going to put a device on him they're not going to take his heartbeat they're not
going to take his pulse they're not going to put a thing on him they sure as hell are not feeding him anything he's not taking Tak any of their [ __ ]
medication none of that stuff nothing goes near him unless they've been 100%
vetted and you're certain he doesn't eat anything I told I already said what I would do about his food you know people
are like oh he needs taste testers [ __ ] that [ __ ] no not that you need people going to different stores every day and
buying packaged food okay and you need to make sure that whoever is doing that is family someone uncorruptible and when
he puts the groceries into the [ __ ] car you need to make sure that there's never even a millisecond where there is
not direct sight to all of the food that goes in the bags and you need to make
sure that you have an itemized list of every single thing that you bought quantities and you need to get there
when you get home and you need to count exactly how many so someone can't slip something that they know that you buy
into your bag okay no holes in security nothing
absolute [ __ ] bulletproof certainty of every single thing that goes into his body because they're going to try to get him absolutely for sure so you got to
buy everything different stores you know and and and treat it as
if there is a threat to his life at all times because there is anyway that's what I got for today I love you guys I
got a lot more coming we're going to do uh Zuckerberg flipping and endorsing Trump we're GNA do Dana White's
incredible speech at the RNC and we're going to do a lot more I love you guys subscribe to the channel bye





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