Thursday, October 10, 2024


See Transcripts below :



2024 ✪ Members first on August 5, 2024 Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal Denis Noble is a renowned biologist and pioneer in systems biology, known for his groundbreaking work on the heart and his influential contributions to the understanding of biological systems. Listen on Spotify: Become a YouTube Member Here:    / @theoriesofeverything   Patreon:   / curtjaimungal   (early access to ad-free audio episodes!) Join TOEmail at LINKS:

Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 02:05 - Overview of Lecture 04:30 - What is the Genome? 07:22 - Is the Genome the Book of Life? 12:16 - 20th Century Gene-Centric Biology is Wrong 18:03 - Neo-Darwinism is Incorrect 19:42 - Implications for Medical Science 27:17 - Next Steps for Biology 33:10 - A Challenge to the World's Scientists 37:10 - Outro / Support TOE



Denis Noble is a maverick biologist, a fellow  of the Royal Society, and a professor at the 
University of Oxford, who spent his career  challenging the fundamental assumptions of 
modern genetics. From pioneering computer models  in biology in the 1960s to his current crusade 
against gene-centric biology, Noble has never  shied away from overturning scientific orthodoxy. 
I'm Curt Jaimungal, and in this lecture for  my series on Rethinking the Foundations, 
Noble makes the case that our understanding of  life and evolution is due for a radical overhaul. 
One that could revolutionize medicine and  reshape our view of what it means to be human. 
Professor Denis Noble, you're one of the  pioneers of systems biology at Oxford University, 
and also along with your collaborator  Shapiro, you've spawned a concept called  the Third Way of Evolution, which we'll discuss  in the subsequent Q&A. For those of you who are 
watching, this is a presentation by Professor  Denis Noble for the series here called 
"Rethinking the Foundations of Biology – What  Lies Beyond Darwin?" Denis Noble will be giving 
the inaugural talk, and I'm almost uniformly  going to shut my mouth for the next 30 minutes. 
And in the second video, which is linked in the  description, we'll delve into the material from  this one in the format of a  podcast. Take it away, Professor. 
Thank you very much, Curt. It's a  pleasure to come onto your series and 
"Rethinking the Foundations of Biology." I love  that title because it's precisely what is implied 
by the title I've used for this, Genes are Not  the Blueprint for Life. You can hardly reinvent 
the foundations of biology with a more dramatic  title than to show that it doesn't just come 
from the genome. But that is, in practice, what I  really think is the case. Now, I chose that title 
partly because in February of this year, I  was asked by the top science journal, Nature, 
to write an article on precisely this  title, Genes are Not the Blueprint for Life. 
And I've also put on this screen not only the  Nature page, but also a little book called 
Understanding Living Systems,  which is an attempt in very   simple language, lay language, not requiring much technical knowledge at all, the essence of  
what I'm going to say today in this presentation. So, to give the structure of the talk, I'm going  
to argue that since genes are not the blueprint of life, measuring them and their association  
scores with common diseases cannot work. And I will first explain why that is the case, and  
then by concluding by showing that statistically, it does not in fact succeed, even in predicting  
common diseases. Then the second part of the talk will be, since that approach fails, what is the  
alternative that may work? And I think the answer is to switch to investigating the functional  
networks in living organisms that control the genome and controversially enable it to be  
edited. That is supposed by the modern theory of biology, the modern synthesis, to not be  
possible. I'm going to show that it is both possible and does happen. And I will then  
close with two what I think  are very encouraging examples  to show that medical scientists, particularly  physiologists, can achieve that. But I want to 
start with just a brief explanation of what the  genome is. I'm assuming that the listeners to 
this program may not be completely familiar  with the technical details of what a genome is. 
It's a very long, thin thread of molecules in  all of our cells, and those molecules are called 
nucleotides because they reside in the nucleus of  our cells. You don't need to know the technical 
names for them. We just call them A, T, G,  and C. There are four types. And in us humans, 
the genome, that's the total number of these  nucleotides, it contains three billion of them. 
That's a figure that will matter in just a moment  or two. And all of our cells, except red blood 
cells incidentally, contain a complete set of the  DNA. Now, the important point to make right from 
the very beginning is that as molecules, chemicals  in other words, they can only do what chemicals 
automatically do. And what we know is they like  to connect together, to bind together in pairs. 
A likes to be with T, G likes to be with C. And  in doing this, they have absolutely no choice. 
They cannot therefore be described, as  many modern evolutionary biologists do, 
as selfish, selfish genes, either metaphorically  or literally. Only organisms, you and me, 
with freedom to choose, can be described sensibly  as either selfish or cooperative. And we all know 
that when a baby is born, it is not born selfish,  it simply has needs. It has a need for food, 
it has a need for care to enable it to live,  grow, and flourish. And it only slowly learns 
that it can choose. Returning now to the  genome, focusing on the sequence of the genome 
is a little bit like taking  the pixels for the message. 
This is a bit of text from the ending of my  little book, Understanding Living Systems. 
We wish them all well.  I'll come to that at the end of the presentation. The main point of this part of the presentation is  
that when we look at a message, if we expand the size of the message sufficiently,  
all we can see are the individual pixels. The message is no longer clear to us. 
So I want to ask the question, how did the  genome become described as the book of life, 
creating us body and mind, as Richard Dawkins  would say in his book The Selfish Gene? 
Because if that were so, the conditional logic  of life would have to be found in the genome. 
But it's not there. You see, I'm a computer programmer,   amongst other things, because the way I do systems biology is to model cells, tissues, and organs. 
And I know, as a computer programmer, that if  you look for where all of those conditional 
expressions are, if this, then that, else  something else, if you look for all of those 
control routines that computer programmers  are very familiar with, you won't find them 
in the genome. Now there are switches in genomes. 
Every sequence of DNA that is a gene has  another little bit of DNA, which is its switch. 
But those switches are controlled by other  physiological processes, not by the genome itself. 
So I ask the question, where  are life's control routines? 
Well, they're in our cells. Because our cells, this is a figure  
showing a complicated diagram of a cell. You don't need to understand the   details of the diagram. What you can see, though,  
is that it's absolutely packed with structure. And that structure is formed from what we call  
fatty membranes, lipid membranes, with protein channels in them. 
And those routines that control the genome depend  on those protein channels in the lipid membranes. 
And those are our conditional  on-off decision processes. 
And they're sensitive to electrical and  chemical processes that we experience in life. 
Without those membrane processes, there could  not be choice between various behavioral options. 
And yet choice is an essential element in any  theory as the ability to be either selfish 
or cooperative. Moreover, all of our nerve cells  
have these controllable on-off switches. So do all the other cells. 
But now I come to something that may surprise you. There are no genes coding for those membranes. 
We inherit all of those membrane  structures from the egg cell of our mother. 
Every single one of us  depends on that inheritance.  There are no genes controlling  and forming membranes. 
Sir, before you move on, do you mind briefly  expanding on how membranes come only from 
the mother and not the genome? The important thing about the membranes in  
our cells is that there are no genes coding for membranes. 
And yet all of those membrane structures  are inherited in the egg cell of our mother. 
You see, when a sperm with its DNA enters  an egg cell, it not only enters the egg cell 
to fuse its DNA with the DNA from your mother,  but it also enters a complete cell from the 
mother, that is the egg cell. And that contains, just as all other cells in  
our bodies do, all the membranous structures that get inherited  
automatically with the egg cell. So when, for example, a couple of years ago,  
Richard Dawkins told me, Denis, we can keep your DNA for 10,000 years, and in 10,000 years  
we'll be able to recreate you. I said, no you won't, Richard.  And he said, well why not? I said, where will you find the egg cell  
from my mother as it was in 1936 when I was born? You see, there's no way we can avoid the fact we  
inherit the membranous structures, and those membranous structures are where  
all the control of the genome lies. Now I want to come to some simple proofs  
that 20th century gene-centric biology, the idea that genes are the blueprint for life,  
that they alone can develop into being us, is necessarily wrong. 
And there are four major dogmas. First is the central dogma of molecular biology. 
I'll explain that in just a moment. The second is a dogma called the Weissman barrier. 
Again, I'll explain that in a moment. The third dogma is that DNA can replicate itself,  
just like a crystal. And the fourth dogma   is that that DNA is separate from its  vehicle, that is, the cell that carries it. 
Now I'll just go through these very simply. The central dogma of molecular biology is  
in fact a very simple chemical fact, that from DNA we make another kind of nucleotide  
called RNA, and that enables our bodies to make proteins. 
Proteins are the real driver of  activity in living organisms. 
Now that's a simple chemical fact. DNA forms RNA that forms proteins. 
But that simple chemical fact does not prevent  the organism editing and changing its... 
genes. What the standard biologists will  tell you is, well, it does prevent that 
because you can't go backwards. You can't  go from proteins to make DNA. The point 
here is that you don't need to. The body  knows how to control its genes without 
that being the case. So first point, the  central dogma of molecular biology does 
not prevent organisms changing their  DNA when they need to. The second dogma, 
the second foundation stone of modern  evolutionary biology, is the Weissman 
barrier. This is the idea introduced  over a hundred and forty years ago by a 
geneticist called August Weissman. It's  the idea that the egg cells and sperm 
cells in the reproductive organs are  totally isolated from the rest of the 
body. So there's no way in which what  my body learns during its life can be 
transmitted to the egg and sperm to form  the future generation. Well, I have to 
tell you that we now know that little  molecules, they're called control RNAs, 
but don't worry about the technical  term. Little molecules that control the 
DNA have been shown to communicate  body characteristics, like whether your 
metabolism is this way round or that way  round, to the germ cells via tiny little 
packets of molecular information. There  is no Weissman barrier. It's not able to 
prevent transmission of information  from the body to the egg cell. 
And are you referring to  epigenetics here or something else? 
Good point. It is to some extent  epigenetic, yes. So the third major 
assumption of standard evolutionary  biology is that not only is DNA the 
source of everything that's needed to create  us, it also accurately self-replicates. 
It doesn't need anything to control that.  Well, it's simply not true. It is true, 
coming back now to the four types of  nucleotide, A will attract a T and G 
will attract a C. That is true, and  that helps the replication of DNA, 
but the error rate of that is such that there  would be hundreds of thousands of errors in the 
DNA as one of our cells divides to form  two new cells. And what happens is amazing. 
The cells themselves contain the proteins  necessary to cut and paste the DNA and to 
correct all of those errors. So the replication  of DNA depends upon that ability of the living 
cell, and only a living cell can do that. And the  final fundamental dogma is that the replicator, 
that is DNA, is separate from its vehicle,  which is the cell or, if you like, our bodies. 
And the fact is that since self-replication  of DNA is impossible in our genomes, 
the replicator cannot be seen as separate from  its vehicle. So the correct interpretation of 
the molecular biological evidence shows that  all of these four fundamental assumptions of 
modern biology are incorrect. So just to summarize  where I've got to in this part of the talk, 
living organisms can change their DNA. And  incidentally, you and I were experiencing 
exactly that during the pandemic. How else did  our immune systems be able to change the DNA 
coding for what are called immunoglobulins, that's  a long technical term, the part of our immune 
system that grabs the virus and neutralizes it.  How is it possible for the immune system to do 
that? It's because the immune system, like other  systems in our body, is capable of changing the 
DNA. It actually creates millions of new possible  shapes for that protein that captures the virus. 
So we know that organisms can change their  DNA, and the central dogma clearly does not 
prevent that. And as I said, this is precisely  what was happening during the pandemic. 
Second major point in the summary here is  that DNA itself is not a self-replicator. 
It needs the living cell to do that. And the  third take-home message from this part of the talk 
is that body characteristics can  be communicated to the germline,  
that is the future eggs and sperm,  via small particles that transmit from the body  to those cells. The Weissman barrier therefore 
is not really a barrier. Now why is this  all important? It's important to you and me 
because the great promise 30 years ago  when the Human Genome Project was launched 
was that genome sequencing would deliver the  goods that matter, new medical treatments. 
The idea was very simple. Find the gene variant  causing the disease, then replace or delete it. 
Has that happened? No. It's an embarrassing  answer, with the exception of some rare 
monogenetic diseases. Those are diseases where a  single gene can cause the disease. That is true 
though only in about 5% of humans. The promise  before genome sequencing was that the big scourges 
of mankind, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart  disease, vascular disease, the various forms 
of dementia, would all be solved within 10 years. of full genome sequencing. Francis Collins,  
who was the head of the National  Institutes of Health in the United States,  and therefore the head of the Genome Project over  there, claimed in 1999, nearly 25 years ago now, 
that within 10 years, and I'm quoting  him, human genome sequencing would lead  
to previously unimaginable insights, and from there to the common good,  
including a new understanding of  genetic contributions to human disease 
and the development of rational  strategies for minimizing or   preventing disease phenotypes altogether. Well, I have to tell you that the latest  
study from a major university  here in the United Kingdom,  University College London, published in  the British Medical Journal just last year, 
shows that the genome does not succeed in  predicting cardiovascular disease, cancer,  
and many other forms of disease. Sorry to disappoint, Dr. Collins,  
but the great promise of the Human Genome  Project has simply not been fulfilled, 
and it's not been fulfilled for the reasons  I've already explained in this talk,   the foundations of biology are incorrect. It can't be fulfilled. So, cures for those  
diseases have not been found even 20 years  after the first full genome sequencing, 
and it cannot happen in the future. And in  fact, the association scores, as they're called, 
between the presence and absence  of most genes and the incidence   of major diseases are generally very low. The way geneticists now interpret that is to  
say that all genes are involved in life processes. Very few living processes depend on a single gene,  
and those, as I explained  earlier, depend and will occur 
only in a rather small percentage  of the population. Most of the time,  
organisms manage very well, even in the absence of key genes  
and the proteins that enable them to be made. I showed that as a systems biologist in the  
case of heart rhythm more than 30 years ago. We showed that if you block a pacemaker protein  
or its gene that generates 80% of the rhythm, shows only a modest small change in frequency.  
This is called robustness, and I want  to tell you something very important.  Most processes in our living  bodies are robust, and thank  
goodness if one part of our system fails, something else takes over. Most of the time,  
the robustness copes with the problem. And robustness just means a resilience   to perturbation? So that is, you  have some grace under pressure? 
Yes, it is exactly so. It is  resilience to perturbation. Absolutely. 
So to summarize this part of  the talk, DNA sequencing does   not reliably predict disease states. That's been shown now quantitatively,  
statistically, by a very important  study from University College London,  published in a prestigious journal,  the British Medical Journal. 
So why should we bother about what our DNA  is? Well, I'll tell you what it can tell you. 
If you buy your DNA sequence from 23andMe  or other genome sequencing companies, 
it might tell you who you're related to. You might  find an unknown relative elsewhere in the world, 
but don't rely on it to tell you  what diseases you're likely to have. 
That will just make you get upset  and anxious when you're told, well,   you've got the gene for this kind of cancer. Nobody can tell you that with confidence that  
you will get cancer. So except for those   rare monogenetic diseases, the ones where  somebody has something like cystic fibrosis, 
where if you've got the gene variant  that generates cystic fibrosis,   you will necessarily get it. Apart from those, the genome  
does not predict what you will die from. Can the genome state a probability,  
though? Can it just say that it increases your  chances of getting a certain disease or decreases? 
Yes, that's a very good question, Curt. Yes, the answer to that question is that it gives  
a very small degree of probability, first point. What the University College London researchers  
showed is that if you ask the question, do we get as many positive predictions for  
people as negative predictions for people, which is what you do when you do a clinical  
trial of a drug, for example, what you expect is that most   people will get cured by the drug. And if so, then it gets to be approved. 
If it fails that test and it makes as many  wrong predictions as correct predictions,  
then it's obviously not then approved. Well, what the University College London  
team did was to use that same criterion. Yes, there are some positive predictions. 
You've got a slightly increased  percentage of possibility of getting,  
say, cancer or heart disease. But the trouble is that in many other   individuals, it predicted just the reverse. It would actually reduce the probability. 
Interesting. These are the   criteria that you use when you test a new  chemical produced by a pharmaceutical company. 
And by that criterion, the  Human Genome Project has failed. 
So I ask the question, what do we do now? Well, I think we have to stop focusing on genes. 
What we need to do is to focus  on what actually makes us alive. 
And incidentally, that's not genes. Genes are bits of dead chemical. 
What we need to study are the  living processes in our bodies. 
I call those the functional  physiological networks. And   the study of those is indeed called physiology. I'm a physiologist, and I try to do this kind of  
work. And I think what I'm showing in this diagram  is that we've left great parts of all of that out. 
You see, focusing on DNA, RNA, and  protein, that's the central dogma focus,  
leaves out the functional networks. And it's those that are sensitive to the  
environment, sensitive to how we feed ourselves,  sensitive to what the climate is doing to us,  
sensitive to the social interactions that we have. And it's these interactions that epigenetically,  
as we say, over and above the genome,  influence the functional networks. 
That is how we react to our environment  and to the environment of other  
organisms. Those are our social interactions. And therefore, that's what we need to study,  
the functional networks. And can we do it? I'm just going to close with two examples.  
They're quite technical, but I won't  bother with the technical detail. I'll   just give you the essence of the point. So, let's first of all get an idea of  
how big a cell really is and what the  problem is for communicating from the  
environment to the nucleus of a cell. Well, I've got on this slide a map  
of the United Kingdom, with England  there, Ireland there, Scotland there. 
And what I'm going to get across to you is  that if I enlarged a single nucleotide to  
the size of my fist, perhaps the size of a golf  ball, as we're seeing in this slide, then the  
living cell would be the size of a whole country. If the nucleus were here in Oxford, there it is,  
I've ringed it, then the surface of the  cell would be somewhere up in Scotland. 
Now I want to tell you, cells can  communicate the two within seconds. 
And they do that, so there's a communication  from the surface of the cell to the nucleus via  
extraordinary, what are called tubulins, little  threads in the cell that go all the way from the  
surface to the centre where the DNA is located. And messages can go along those tubulin threads.  
It's almost as though the living cell is like a  subway, or as we say here in the United Kingdom,  
the underground, or the metro in France. It's  got a network of tunnels, literally tubes. 
Yeah, I've been to London and  there would be delays, trust me.  Now, I just want to mention two major  studies that show that we can identify  
how activity at the surface of the cell,  sensing what the environment is doing,  
can be communicated to the centre and to the DNA. This is a study done by one of my former  
collaborators, Dick Chen, worked with me 40 years  ago, and now working at New York University. 
And he showed how tiny molecules, calcium as  it happens, entering the surface membrane can  
create a messenger that attaches itself to  those molecular motors, as they're called. 
And the motor goes along the tubulin thread all  the way down to the nucleus and then controls  
the very gene that needs to be controlled. It takes a few seconds to make that journey. 
Now, for those who are interested in the detail  of that on the slide, I've included the reference  
for those who want to go into the detail. Not surprisingly, the detail is highly  
technical, and you don't want me  to go through that in this talk.  The second example is from my own university,  scientists working in my own department here  
under a leading scientist called Anant Parekh. They did it with two surface membrane processes  
receiving calcium moving into the cell. Two different sites creating two signaling  
molecules that again travel on those tubulins  rapidly to generate changes in the nucleus  
that change gene expression in the way required. Again, the reference for that for those who want  
to go into the technical detail is on the slide. But I don't want to bother you with  
the technical information. It's difficult to understand.  So, I want to finish this talk with a  challenge to the world's scientists. 
You see, these two groundbreaking discoveries  shows that functional tubulin pathways from the  
surface of a cell to the nucleus exist, and  they can mediate changes in gene expression. 
I want to know how can the same kinds  of tubulins be used in the same kind  
of way to change DNA when the immune system  changes our DNA, or when our nervous system  
needs to generate new forms of behavior that  respond better to our social interactions. 
I think I can guess that any scientist  who can provide the same kind of evidence  
for the way in which that process  occurs ought to win a Nobel Prize. 
There's my prediction. That's what I want to do to   finish what I'm presenting here. I will just summarize that. 
First, that medical scientists are already  succeeding in finding the control pathways. 
We don't need to worry about whether the  central dogma prevents that from happening. 
It clearly happens. DNA can have...  It's activity change, that's  changes in gene expression,  
and it can also have changes in the DNA itself.  Our immune system can do that. And I finish  by putting out once again the little review 
in the top science journal, Nature, that I  published in February of this year entitled 
Genes Are Not the Blueprint for Life. Not  surprisingly, it's had a huge amount of attention 
because it clearly undermines the basic  assumption of modern evolutionary biology 
and biology generally, that somehow  genes are the blueprint for life. 
And I want to finish with a message for young  people because I think it will require creative 
ingenuity to shift the culture away from  the misunderstandings of the 20th century. 
It will be for you, the new generation,  to discover and create your own culture 
fit for the challenges of the 21st century. That  will have to include understanding how DNA is 
controlled. And you and your colleagues in the  younger generations will have plenty of looming 
signposts to warn you what went wrong. It's a  generation that will have to take responsibility 
for the way in which the earth ecosystems need  rescuing, even for our own species to survive. 
And it will be a generation that faces the  challenge of aging societies, requiring medical 
science to find solutions to the diseases of old  age that do not readily yield to gene-centric 
solutions, since those diseases are what we call  multifactorial. Only an integrative approach 
that understands those interactions, those  networks in living organisms, can possibly 
hope to address those diseases. I finish with the  finish statement at the end of my little book, 
Understanding Living Systems. It is arguably  a challenge the scale of which human society 
has never faced before. And we wish  them all well. Thank you very much. 
Thank you, Professor. Wonderful presentation. My pleasure. 
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